15th Century icon of the Institution of the Eucharist

Eucharist: At the Heart of Catholic Life

Ended Jun 30, 2021

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Full course description

3-Week Course


The Eucharist is like a precious jewel, and as we view it from many angles and perspectives, we deepen our appreciation of its value and beauty. This course provides guided discussion around the Fall 2011 issue of C21 Resources, a publication of Boston College’s Church in the 21st Century Center. This issue, entitled “The Eucharist: At the Center of Catholic Life,” edited by John Baldovin, S.J., contains articles by a variety of authors, excerpts from key ecclesial documents, and poems, which center on the meaning of the Eucharist, the theme of real presence, Eucharist as sacrifice, and the connection between Eucharist and justice. Attention is given to parents handing on the faith in reference to Eucharist, praying the liturgy of the Eucharist, and a brief look at the new translation of the Roman Missal.


  • Getting Started Week: Introduction to the course
  • Week 1: Real Presence and Sacrifice; Parents, Children, and Eucharist
  • Week 2: Justice; Liturgy of the Eucharist; Adoration

Special Features

  • Reading 29 pages by 18 different authors;
  • Weekly questions for reflection and discussion;
  • A weekly introduction and study guide;
  • A Resources page for further study; and
  • A special resource page on the new translation of the Roman Missal.

All STM Online: Crossroads courses include these features

  • Participants have access 24 hours/7 days a week to the course's password-protected web site.
  • Each participant belongs to a small Community for Conversation and faith sharing guided by a facilitator.
  • The course site is usually available to participants at least three months after the course has ended.
  • An orientation in how to navigate the web site is always available.
  • Technical assistance is easy to contact and prompt in returning a message.
  • A Certificate of Active Participation is awarded to those who post at least three messages of substance for each week of content.

Additional Materials Needed

Everything you need for this course is provided on the course site.

View this issue of C21 Resources, "The Eucharist: At the Center of Catholic Life" (PDF)." If you prefer a hard copy of C21 Resources, email The Church in the 21st Century Center at church21@bc.edu.

Time Commitment

A participant can expect to spend an average of approximately 3-4 hours each week. This commitment includes both the assigned reading and interaction online.

Certificate Requirement Categories

  • Sacraments and Liturgy

Content Scholars

Various scholars contributed articles, under the editorship of Rev. John F. Baldovin, S.J., professor of historical and liturgical theology at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

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15th Century painting of the Institution of the Eucharist by Stefano di Giovanni